DOT club

Orchid Day

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On the 3rd - 5th March 2010, DOT Club, alongside Leo Club, Food Club and the IB students of TCSH has successfully organized Orchid Day in collaboration with Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA). Orchid Day is an event to show support for the one in twenty women affected with breast cancer in Malaysia. If you may wonder why Orchids are used as a symbol, instead of Roses or maybe Lilacs, Orchids are actually believed to have carry various healing and protective properties. Other than that, an orchid flower also symbolises breast cancer survivors, who are a resilient bunch just like the flower itself.

For three days straight, DOT Club, Leo Club, Food Club and the IB students have each set up a booth to sell not only Orchids, but also other items which were supplied by BCWA. Among the items were pink wristbands, phone straps and 3D pins. Besides the items supplied, DOT club has initiated to sell a variety of other items such as sweets, soft toys and lollipops to attract more students to the booths. There was also a donation box at each booth for students and lecturers to kindly donate.

Items supplied by BCWA.

Soft toys and lollipops which were initiated by DOT Club in order to attract more students to the booths and gain more revenue.

The breast cancer info board's posters were designed by DOT Club's very own member, Leong Khim.

On the last day of the event, which was on the 5th of March 2010, students of TCSH came to college in pink to show their tremendous support and concern towards the patients of breast cancer, and also helped to promote the event. At 3:00 p.m, as a closing ceremony, there was a talk at the Alpha Theatre on Breast Cancer by Miss Dachaini, who, as many would not have known, is a survivor of breast cancer herself. She talked about her experiences and struggles towards fighting against the deadly disease, and many I'm sure, were touched by her story and the determination and strength she had in herself.

All in all, the three-day event was undeniably a success. By the end of it, the total donation which was handed in to BCWA mounted up to RM4560, and DOT Club successfully collected an amount of RM2322. However, this amount would not have been achieved if it was not for BCWA who believed in us, the management team, ECA department and the teacher advisors who have guided us and all the students who have shown their support. Therefore, DOT Club would like to thank those who have participated and supported this event as it would not have been a success otherwise. Thank you. :)

Dot Club President, Azzim Emir, together with Leo Club President Ki Yip and Teacher Advisor Miss Komathi handing a cheque to BCWA.

To read more on Orchid Day from The Beacon Online, click here

Written by,
Dhabitah binti Zainal Abidin
Chief Secretary, DOT Club

About us


The Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) Club was founded by the bio-science students of Cambridge A Levels (CAL) in Taylor's College Sri Hartamas (TCSH) and was established in the early stages of 2010.

The main objectives of the club is to :

- Provide information and promote the study of medicine.

- Acquire educational enrichment and learning experiences for future medical practitioners.

- Develop knowledge and skills, including but not limited to leadership, problem-solving, organizational and interpersonal skills.

-Showcase the commitment of Taylor's College bio-science students toward their passion for the study of Medicine, which can be recognized by major Ivy League universities and other universities around the globe.

For any enquiries on the club, do email us at -

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