DOT club



Welcome guys ! First of all, let me be the first to congratulate you for successfully becoming a TCSH student ! Some of the best times of your life are about to unfold and I hope that the DOT Club plays a major role in that.

To those that haven't heard of the Club of The Year 2010 before, here are some of our main objectives. Firstly, and ultimately, we aim to provide information and promote the study of fields relating to Medicine among the vibrant community of Taylor's College Sri Hartamas students and staff. Some of the activities relating to this are medical school visits, health carnivals and talks by esteemed guests. Secondly, the DOT Club aims to instill health awareness and common understanding between the students of TCSH while spreading educational enrichment and learning experiences for future medical practitioners. Blood donation drives, dissections, hospital attachments, and health awareness events were some of the activities held in 2010 that runs parallel to this objective.

In addition to that, we intend to help members develop knowledge and skills, including but not limited to leadership skills, problem-solving skills, organizational and interpersonal skills that are all important in furthering our studies, and even in our daily lives. Furthermore, the DOT Club can also act as an important tool in showcasing the commitment of TCSH students toward their passion for the study of fields relating to Medicine, which can be recognized by major Ivy League universities and other top universities around the world.

Membership is open to all students of TCSH. Students can apply by sending in their Full Name, Student ID Number, Class, Email, and Handphone Number to The DOT Club, past winners of the Best Booth Award in the ECA Drive Day July 2010, will definitely be opening a booth in this year's first ECA Drive Day on the 18th of February, so be sure to meet us there if you have any questions ! Feel free to roam our blog/facebook page and observe some of the activities that we have organized. I can't wait to see what 2011 have in-store for us, and from the gleaming enthusiastic eyes of our new intake students that I've already encountered, I'm sure it'll be a blast !

President of The Doctors of Tomorrow,
Azzim Emir Imran bin Aziz Al Rahim

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TCSH Oscar Night: A Night of Recognition, A Night To Remember


As all of you may have heard, the DOT Club has been honoured with the prestigious title of, "Club of The Year" while our supportive teacher advisor, Miss Koh Jee Yin was awarded "Best Teacher Advisor" for the year 2010 by the college's management & ECA department on TCSH's very own glamorous Oscar Night. After a long year of hard work and perseverance of spearheading and handling one event after the next, there was definitely no better moment to cherish for our outstanding Board of Directors but that moment when Mr. Rahul finally announced that DOT Club has won the award. However, this award would not have been granted to us without the support and involvement of every member of the club. Therefore, thank you to everyone, each and every member who have contributed to this club in one way or the other :)

Board of Directors with Miss Koh :)

Proud Board of Directors of TCSH's Club of The Year :)
from left, Shu Han, Andrew Khoo, Weng Jeng, Yeng Ying, Dhabitah, Shu-En, Nicole Yeow, Wey Chern, Siti Aisya, Catherine Woo, Raymond Siew and Azzim Emir.

Teacher advisor Miss Koh & Mr. President Azzim Emir.

Miss Koh with the President Azzim Emir & Vice President Shu Han.

Let's hope that this glorious win will not act as a stop for our sincere efforts in spreading health awareness & medical information in TCSH, but instead acts as a motivation for us to work even harder. Who knows, if the club will be even be more successful in 2011? ;)

"Try to discover
The road to success
And you'll seek but never find,
But blaze your own path
And the road to success
Will trail right behind."
~Robert Brault

A very proud Chief Secretary,
Dhabitah binti Zainal Abidin

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King of Pop: The Musical Charity Concert


On the 19th of November until the 21st of November 2010, DOT Club has volunteered to help out with the Charity Concert: King of Pop The Musical which was aimed to collect donations for the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM). The musical was brought by ACTS of Performing Arts. A total of 12 members whole-heartedly volunteered to help out with this event and attended on all three days it was held (including its briefing on Friday).


The seating of Pentas 1, KLPac.

The young but talented performers of the musical.

The members of DOT were divided into three groups: stagehands, usherers and registration committee. Stagehands were mainly involved in stage directions and props while the usherers were given the responsibility to usher the audience to their respective seats. The registration committee on the other hand, was responsible to collect tickets, give out goodie bags and promote charitable goods that were on sale at the booth on both days. On the second day, members rotated their roles to give each other the opportunity to experience welcoming guests, promoting goods for charity and pulling strings backstage.

All in all, the members of DOT Club who volunteered for this event definitely had an unforgettable experience through this event. This is because it has helped them to develop cooperation among themselves besides instilling a down-to-earth attitude knowing that they are working in the name of charity.

Clockwise from left: Kelly Lim, Dhabitah Zainal, Azzim Emir, Raymond Siew, Wong Suokping, Farm Wey Chern, Alireza Behzadnia, Kok Yean Ting & Andrew Khoo.

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Attachment at IJN


On the 13th of August 2010, DOT Club has given its members a wonderful opportunity to have a brief hospital attachment at Institut Jantung Negara, Kuala Lumpur. This attachment was aimed to promote further medical education to the aspired members of DOT Club who wish to pursue in Medicine besides giving them an opportunity to witness the real-life situation in a hospital.

A total of 24 students hopped onto the bus which left TCSH at 2:00 p.m that Friday afternoon. Upon arrival, they were given a brief tour around the hospital. They were then showed a slideshow of heart operations that have been done in IJN before proceeding to the next activity.

The DOT members were then divided into two groups, one which proceeded to the cathlab and one which took a tour around the Operation Theatres (OT). The first group had the opportunity to visit the cathlab, which is an examination room in a hospital or clinic with diagnostic imaging equipment used to support the catheterization procedure. These lucky students were given an exposure of a balooning procedure, a treatment designed to open blocked or narrowed arteries. This procedure can be used to treat problems in many areas of the body. The second group, on the other hand, had the chance to go for Operation Theatres tour, including the Hybrid OT, a theatre where multiple procedures could be done.

Even though the attachment was brief, the DOT members who went definitely gained more knowledge regarding the field of Medicine and had the opportunity to have an experience of what a real life situation is working at a hospital. Thank you.

Prepared by,

Dhabitah binti Zainal Abidin
Secretary, DOT Club TCSH
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Medic Camp Trip


On the 7th of August 2010, the members of DOT Club took a trip to the School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Taylor's University College Lakeside Campus to attend the Medic Camp. The Medic Camp is a one-day event organized by Taylor’s University College’s School of Medicine for aspiring doctors and pharmacists. It was opened for all Science-stream students of all colleges. Upon arrival students were divided into 6 groups: Autoclave, ECG, Inhaler, Laparoscope, Pipette and Ultrasound. They were then seated in the lecture theatre for welcoming speeches, a short briefing and an informative talk by PPUKM’s orthopedic surgeon and traumatology professor, Prof. Dr. Shariff Ibrahim titled “Want to Be a Specialist?” The groups were then taken to six different stations and were rotated accordingly.

For group Inhalers, the first station was the “Itch-Go Away!” station where they were to prepare 0.5% of Betamethasone cream (rashes cream) from a 1% Betamethasone. Next stop was the “Vital Signs” station conducted by Dr. Mazlyn. She taught the students the 4 essential vital signs to look out for which are the patient’s pulse, breathing rate, blood pressure and temperature. After a short briefing by Dr. Mazlyn, they then worked in pairs and checked each other’s vital signs.

The last stop before lunch was the “Making Medicine” station where the students prepared their own aspirin, the most common household analgesic (pain killer). While waiting for the aspirin crystals to form, Dr. Atif briefed us about how aspirin works in our body, giving it the “pain-killer” effect.

After an hour break for lunch and a talk by Dr. Hafizi and Mr. Simon (a pharmacist) about what it’s like to be a doctor and a pharmacist, they proceeded to our next station, “The Injured Man” station, which is basically an anatomy station where they were given a little insight into human anatomy. Dr. Umesh showed pictures of x-rays, CAT scans, MRI and etc.

Next was the “Test Your Blood” station where they tested each other’s urine sample and blood. The last station of the day was the “Germs! Go Away” station where the students were taught the proper procedure on how to wash our hands. Also at the same station, they had to put a condom on a plastic male genital.

After they were done visiting the stations, the students were brought back to the lecture hall and had a “Who Wants To Be A Doctor?” quiz session. The Autoclave group won the 3 round quiz session. Participation certificates were also given out and then we all had a small tea session. All in all, it was truly an enjoyable and informative event for all the students who took their Saturday off to attend this event.

Prepared by,

Dhabitah binti Zainal Abidin
Chief Secretary, DOT Club TCSH

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ECA Drive Day


On the 23rd of July 2010, Taylor's College Sri Hartamas held its second ECA Drive Day of the year to accomodate the June intake students for their extra-curricular activities. Preparations for DOT's booth and info boards began even two weeks prior to the event. DOT Club's Board of Directors and its members were all involved in the preparations and the delegation of tasks was done very smoothly.

The Board of Directors of DOT Club were enthusiastic in preparing for this day, not only to win "The Best Booth" award but also to attract more members into the club so that the club can expand thus making future activities a lot easier to organize. Fortunately, our aim to expand the club was successfully met as DOT had acquired 35 new members by the end of the event, rising the total number of members to 102. This is an outstanding achievement considering DOT Club was only pioneered in March of this year.

At the end of the event, a price-giving ceremony was held to award deserving clubs who have put a lot of effort into decorating their booths and providing as much information as they can to the students of TCSH. Much to our delight, DOT Club won first place for the Best Booth Award and obtained RM250 as a gift from the ECA management of the college. The members of DOT applauded and cheered for our victorious win as each and everyone has put a lot of effort into making it happen. The event then officially came to an end after the price-giving ceremony ended.

Prepared by,

Dhabitah binti Zainal Abidin

Chief Secretary, DOT Club TCSH

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Blood Donation Drive & Health Carnival


The importance of blood donation is often overlooked or simply disregarded by the society these days. In order to create awareness among the students & staff in Taylor's College Sri Hartamas regarding blood donation, at the same time encouraging them to help those in need, DOT Club has organised a Health Carnival on the 7th of May 2010, with the Blood Donation Drive as its main event.

The blood donation drive was held in the Beta Theatre with the help of University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC). The registration opened at 12:30 p.m and closed at about 5:00 p.m. Much to our surprise, the number of students and staffs who registered reached to 72, but unfortunately, only 58 were eligible to donate their blood. After registration, students and staffs were asked a few basic questions regarding their health and later they had to undergo a health check. After they have successfully transmitted their blood, they were given biscuits and milo which were prepared by the DOT Club committee themselves as a token of appreciation and also to increase the sugar level in their blood. Among the lecturers who have taken their time to donate their blood were Mr. Hariandra Muthu, Mr. William, Miss Goh and Miss Anne Moses.

Besides the blood donation drive, several other booths were also opened for the Health Carnival. Sunway Medical Center, for example, opened a booth for students to check their Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and glucose level. There were also booths set up to provide students additional insights to specific diseases and/or health matters, for example booths by Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA), Family Planning Association, National Cancer Society Malaysia and TCSH's very own Bodyweight and Fitness Club.

While most of the DOT Club committee members were busy organizing this event and putting it together, other members took the initiative to instill awareness to the students by setting up an info gallery regarding smoking, H1N1, dengue fever, obesity & sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Our club held it as a competition where three groups with the most informative and creative info boards would be rewarded. During DOT Club's official prize-giving ceremony, it was announced that the group which won first place was the group with the tittle of smoking, and their group members consisted of Lyana, Alex Chin, Sangeeta, Fauziah, Wong Suok Ping and Yasmine Tran. The first runner-up was the H1N1 group with group members of Aishah, Julia, Sean, Raymond and Athina while the second runner-up was the group who set up the obesity info board, and their group members consisted of Anzhi, Nikhita, Chong Jia Huei, Kishan Kumar, Sam Wai, Sim Ee Leng and Joey Lee. All three groups were rewarded with hampers while other groups were rewarded with consolation prizes.

The creatively-designed and informative info boards.

In conclusion, DOT Club has definitely met our objectives and aims of organizing a blood donation drive and a Health Carnival at the same time. Undoubtedly, every student and staff in TCSH have gained benefits from this event and became more aware of their own health. Most importantly, we have successfully donated blood into the blood bank for those in need. Therefore, DOT Club would like to thank everyone who has registered to donate but did not get the chance to do so and those who actually donated their blood, for all your care and concern to save the lives of others. :)

DOT Club Committee Members with Miss Koh & Dr Aung at the end of the event.
Clockwise from top, Public Relations Officer Aishah Zakiah, Chief Financial Officer Catherine Woo, Teacher Advisor Miss Koh Jee Yin, Dr. Aung of UMMC, President Azzim Emir, Chief Secretary Dhabitah, Vice President Shu Han, Corporate Management Bureau Committee Sean Yee, Assistant Corporate Management Officer Farm Wey Chern & Corporate Management Officer Siti Aisya.

Written by,
Dhabitah Binti Zainal Abidin,
Chief Secretary, DOT Club.

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About us


The Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) Club was founded by the bio-science students of Cambridge A Levels (CAL) in Taylor's College Sri Hartamas (TCSH) and was established in the early stages of 2010.

The main objectives of the club is to :

- Provide information and promote the study of medicine.

- Acquire educational enrichment and learning experiences for future medical practitioners.

- Develop knowledge and skills, including but not limited to leadership, problem-solving, organizational and interpersonal skills.

-Showcase the commitment of Taylor's College bio-science students toward their passion for the study of Medicine, which can be recognized by major Ivy League universities and other universities around the globe.

For any enquiries on the club, do email us at -

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