DOT club

Medic Camp Trip

On the 7th of August 2010, the members of DOT Club took a trip to the School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Taylor's University College Lakeside Campus to attend the Medic Camp. The Medic Camp is a one-day event organized by Taylor’s University College’s School of Medicine for aspiring doctors and pharmacists. It was opened for all Science-stream students of all colleges. Upon arrival students were divided into 6 groups: Autoclave, ECG, Inhaler, Laparoscope, Pipette and Ultrasound. They were then seated in the lecture theatre for welcoming speeches, a short briefing and an informative talk by PPUKM’s orthopedic surgeon and traumatology professor, Prof. Dr. Shariff Ibrahim titled “Want to Be a Specialist?” The groups were then taken to six different stations and were rotated accordingly.

For group Inhalers, the first station was the “Itch-Go Away!” station where they were to prepare 0.5% of Betamethasone cream (rashes cream) from a 1% Betamethasone. Next stop was the “Vital Signs” station conducted by Dr. Mazlyn. She taught the students the 4 essential vital signs to look out for which are the patient’s pulse, breathing rate, blood pressure and temperature. After a short briefing by Dr. Mazlyn, they then worked in pairs and checked each other’s vital signs.

The last stop before lunch was the “Making Medicine” station where the students prepared their own aspirin, the most common household analgesic (pain killer). While waiting for the aspirin crystals to form, Dr. Atif briefed us about how aspirin works in our body, giving it the “pain-killer” effect.

After an hour break for lunch and a talk by Dr. Hafizi and Mr. Simon (a pharmacist) about what it’s like to be a doctor and a pharmacist, they proceeded to our next station, “The Injured Man” station, which is basically an anatomy station where they were given a little insight into human anatomy. Dr. Umesh showed pictures of x-rays, CAT scans, MRI and etc.

Next was the “Test Your Blood” station where they tested each other’s urine sample and blood. The last station of the day was the “Germs! Go Away” station where the students were taught the proper procedure on how to wash our hands. Also at the same station, they had to put a condom on a plastic male genital.

After they were done visiting the stations, the students were brought back to the lecture hall and had a “Who Wants To Be A Doctor?” quiz session. The Autoclave group won the 3 round quiz session. Participation certificates were also given out and then we all had a small tea session. All in all, it was truly an enjoyable and informative event for all the students who took their Saturday off to attend this event.

Prepared by,

Dhabitah binti Zainal Abidin
Chief Secretary, DOT Club TCSH

About us


The Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) Club was founded by the bio-science students of Cambridge A Levels (CAL) in Taylor's College Sri Hartamas (TCSH) and was established in the early stages of 2010.

The main objectives of the club is to :

- Provide information and promote the study of medicine.

- Acquire educational enrichment and learning experiences for future medical practitioners.

- Develop knowledge and skills, including but not limited to leadership, problem-solving, organizational and interpersonal skills.

-Showcase the commitment of Taylor's College bio-science students toward their passion for the study of Medicine, which can be recognized by major Ivy League universities and other universities around the globe.

For any enquiries on the club, do email us at -

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