DOT club

King of Pop: The Musical Charity Concert

On the 19th of November until the 21st of November 2010, DOT Club has volunteered to help out with the Charity Concert: King of Pop The Musical which was aimed to collect donations for the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM). The musical was brought by ACTS of Performing Arts. A total of 12 members whole-heartedly volunteered to help out with this event and attended on all three days it was held (including its briefing on Friday).


The seating of Pentas 1, KLPac.

The young but talented performers of the musical.

The members of DOT were divided into three groups: stagehands, usherers and registration committee. Stagehands were mainly involved in stage directions and props while the usherers were given the responsibility to usher the audience to their respective seats. The registration committee on the other hand, was responsible to collect tickets, give out goodie bags and promote charitable goods that were on sale at the booth on both days. On the second day, members rotated their roles to give each other the opportunity to experience welcoming guests, promoting goods for charity and pulling strings backstage.

All in all, the members of DOT Club who volunteered for this event definitely had an unforgettable experience through this event. This is because it has helped them to develop cooperation among themselves besides instilling a down-to-earth attitude knowing that they are working in the name of charity.

Clockwise from left: Kelly Lim, Dhabitah Zainal, Azzim Emir, Raymond Siew, Wong Suokping, Farm Wey Chern, Alireza Behzadnia, Kok Yean Ting & Andrew Khoo.

About us


The Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT) Club was founded by the bio-science students of Cambridge A Levels (CAL) in Taylor's College Sri Hartamas (TCSH) and was established in the early stages of 2010.

The main objectives of the club is to :

- Provide information and promote the study of medicine.

- Acquire educational enrichment and learning experiences for future medical practitioners.

- Develop knowledge and skills, including but not limited to leadership, problem-solving, organizational and interpersonal skills.

-Showcase the commitment of Taylor's College bio-science students toward their passion for the study of Medicine, which can be recognized by major Ivy League universities and other universities around the globe.

For any enquiries on the club, do email us at -

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